What can I expect from a specialist dietetics consultation?


Good nutrition is vital to maintain good health through oncology treatment and surgery.  It provides energy to minimise fatigue, builds and maintains muscle and supports the immune system. 

If you are struggling with your nutrition, then our Specialist Dietitian is here to provide support through the chat function on the app.  They will review your medical history, treatment plan, current diet, and any nutrition-related symptoms you are experiencing.  Using this information they provide evidence-based advice and information to assist with this.  Topics to be covered would include:  Eating well on treatment, improving your protein and fluid intake, discussion around dietary myths as well as assisting with how to manage mild treatment side effects affecting appetite etc.  e.g. nausea, constipation, taste changes etc. 

Your Dietitian may decide, that for some individuals with more complex needs a video call may be more appropriate.  This allows for further dietary discussion and provision of tailored evidence-based advice in line with your specific dietary requirements.  Some examples of topics discussed would be:  Managing symptoms around a diagnosis that affects your digestive system. Preventing unintentional weight loss. Managing other medical conditions alongside your cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

You can keep in contact with your Dietitian throughout the programme through the chat function.  We are always happy to help.